The Manhattan Project
By: Cameron P Sorenson
America was afraid that Germany might win the war. So America made a bomb called the Manhattan Project. When America dropped the bomb/Manhattan project the flam lasted about fifteen sec. And the exposition was about one half a mile in diameter.
Robert Oppenheimer in Los Alamos, New Mexico crated the bomb. They told President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The Manhattan scientist’s bomb successfully exploded the first atomic bomb on July 16, 1945, near Alamogordo, New Mexico.
World War II was called the cold war. Because the U.S.A was effected by the war. Every boy ever 18 was forced to go to war. Germany made the same choice. Every boy ever 18 was forced to go to war.
The bomb ended the battle but not the war. The survivors of the bomb died because of the Radiation. So a lot of people died.
The Manhattan project was a revolution. Now America uses a lot of bombs/Nooks all of the time. Even though we lost WW II we still uses bombs.
I think it would be good because it could take out entire German army camps. And I think it would be a revolution. It would kill so many Germans to.
General Leslie R. Groves authorized the drop of the bomb. The drop was of the bomb was successful.
A lot of people died when the bomb was dropped. And entire cities were destroyed! It was sad. And entire German army camps were demolished.

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